Sundance VCS³


Probably the smallest SBC based on an AMD Zynq MPSoC.


Ainstein's Radar Altimeters


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US-D1 for Power Line Inspection

US-D1 for Power Line Inspection

Ainstein’s US-D1 in Industrial Drone Ops for Power Line Inspection Throughout the years, cities and urban areas keep growing, and they remain to be maintained under the same standards as when they...

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Etion Create VF365

Etion Create VF365

VF365 - In Stock Now 3U OpenVPX FPGA-DSP PROCESSORThe VF365 is a 3U OpenVPX module that leverages Intel Arria® 10 SoC FPGA and Texas Instruments KeyStone Multicore DSP technology to provide an...

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